Wednesday, July 15, 2009

return to balance.

"the feeling is to open the door and run into this beautiful world where everything seems to have a place. In my young mind, contemplating physically
doing this, the moment is so strong. I am mesmerized by believing that this place will take care of me, teach me to be free and happy...
Moving in our environments and our minds to create a world balanced by challenge,respect, and responsibility that freedom always demands."

My road trip to Yosemite a month a go left such a impression on my mind that i still think of it to this
day. Yosemite has such natural beauty it was almost overwhelming attempting to take it all in within a mere two days.My experience there was as if life stood still in the present time and just told me
"breathe ana, slow down and take it in". I was amazed at how calm and peaceful the Yosemite locals where admists the "nature hungry" tourists who engulf the valley on a daily basis. Everyone seemed as if they were content with life as it is and moving in a positive direction to inner peace. As soon as i
returned to Long Beach the sense of urgency, the rush of having to be anywhere but here returned. Living in a city is similar to living in a fish tank three times too small for the amount of fishes it contains. The fish feel the pressure and anxiety of their environment to always be on the go. On the go to somewhere better, bigger more extravagant but in reality they are swimming in circles.
This is how i feel sometimes living in LA, the urgency to always be on to bigger and better things except i lack the knowledge of where i am going. Learning to do nothing seems non productive, but it is only when we allow ourselves to slow down, stop and look & listen, that we begin to understand that were part of something that is way beyond us...

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